Join us on a path to transformation and healing.
Join us on a path to transformation and healing.

Mary Baker Eddy (1821-1910) continues to be one of the most influential authors on the powerful relationship between mind, body, and spirit.
Wellness is a practice that begins with our thinking. So begin to practice a deeper sense of well being by entertaining health-giving thoughts of beauty, goodness and harmony.
Wellness is a practice that begins with our thinking. So begin to practice a deeper sense of well being by entertaining health-giving thoughts of beauty, goodness and harmony.
Doing unto others
“Doing unto others as we would that they do by us, is immortality’s self. Intrepid, self-oblivious love fulfils the law and is self-sustaining and eternal.”
-Mary Baker Eddy
life with purpose
“One must fulfil one’s mission without timidity or dissimulation, for to be well done, the work must be done unselfishly.”
-Mary Baker Eddy
healing quotes
“Mentally contradict every complaint from the body, and rise to the true consciousness of Life as Love, — as all that is pure, and bearing the fruits of Spirit.”
– Mary Baker Eddy
“Let unselfishness, goodness, mercy, justice, health, holiness, love — the kingdom of heaven — reign within us, and sin, disease, and death will diminish until they finally disappear.”
– Mary Baker Eddy
devotion of thought
“The devotion of thought to an honest achievement makes the achievement possible.”
-Mary Baker Eddy
divine love
workplace harmony
“If one lives rightly, every effort to hurt one will only help that one; for God will give the ability to overcome whatever tends to impede progress.”
-Mary Baker Eddy
spiritual living
“Stand porter at the door of thought. Admitting only such conclusions as you wish realized in bodily results, you will control yourself harmoniously.”
-Mary Baker Eddy
We’re an online community for those who are “spiritual but not necessarily religious.” Explore with us together the science of Love and its healing impact on relationships, health and wellness, careers, finances, and more.
Please visit our Facebook page.
- Quietly ponder or contemplate both the quotation and the visual image of each slide in a pathway.
- Choose one slide that most specifically meets your need at the moment.
- Allow the message of that slide to resonate in your thought for a few minutes.
- Consider the value of memorizing the quote so that you can revisit it from time to time during your day or week.
- If the quote requires action or a particular practice then begin to practice now.
- Consider sharing your chosen slide with a friend.
The pathways are designed to help move thought in a positive direction—to encourage, uplift and support.
If you don’t find a pathway that meets your need simply contact us and we will customize an inspirational path just for you.
Science and Health with Key to the Scriptures is growing worldwide. People are asking for a more spiritual understanding of health, for a better basis for lasting relationships, and for the confidence that comes from finding a greater purpose to existence.